1. Become a part of our prayer team.
We know that the Lord is the begninning and the end of all we do. He is the one that empowers, enables, and provides. We would love to have you keep A Shield and Refuge Ministry and the Hagar Home project in your regular prayers, and we will be happy to keep you up-to-date on the progress and give you things to pray for! To sign up for the Shield and Refuge Newsletter, click here! |
2. Become a part of our promotions team.
If we are to serve the needs of escaping polygamists, we need help to get the word out--not just to those who have need of our services, but also to those who would join us in the sharing of their time, expertise, and finances. Spread the word among your friends, co-workers, small groups, ministry and missions committees and action groups, sunday schools, church congregations, etc. If you would like Shield and Refuge director Doris Hanson to speak at your church or other gathering, please contact us (see info below) so we can talk! |
3. Become a part of our financial team.
As a non-profit ministry of Main Street Church, all our finances come from the generous contributions of ministry-minded individuals and organizations. We believe that God will honor, bless, and use all gifts--large and small--for His glory and to accomplish His purposes. If you would like to contribute financially, there are several options to do so. All donations are tax-deductible, and we will provide documentation of our 501(c)(3) status upon request. Click here for more information. |
4. Become a part of our materials team.
Many escaping refugees flee with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their back. In the short term, they will need the basics--food, clothing (new or gently used), toiletries, etc. In the long term, they will need furniture, appliances, and so forth. Once the Hagar Home safehouse is completed, we will have an ongoing need for all of these items, and more!
5. Become part of our housing team.
Since we do not yet have a stand-alone safehouse facility to house escapees, we rely on people who are willing to make their homes available--for anything from short-term stays (a few days) to longer-term stays (up to a few months). These needs often come up with very short notice, so having a list of options is important. (This will even be an ongoing need even after we have established a safehouse facility.) So if you have a couple spare rooms, a finished basement, the other half of a duplex, or a mother-in-law suite that you would like to make available, please let us know! |
6. Become a part of our professional services team.
We network with people who provide practical assistance to polygamist refugees and their children. We seek people who will give of their own professional expertise. For example, we frequently need pro-bono (or reduced cost) legal services, as well as medical, social, counseling, and educational services. We also need people who will provide employment opportunities and job training, mentorship, and a host of other practical aids to helping our refugees not only survive, but thrive in the world outside of polygamy. |
7. Become part of our facilities team.
Do you have, or know of, a property that would be suitable? Our long-range goal is a facility that:
- provides space for comfortable, private living quarters for several families plus live-in staff
- contains common areas for training, education, and enrichment, and recreation
- is, or can be made to be, adequately secure against would-be pursuers
- has a secure and private outdoor "green space"
Once we have identified a property or facility, we will also need willing and expert hands to move forward with construction and/or remodeling. If you have any of these skills and would like to share them, we could use them! |
8. Become a part of our staff team.
No, we're not to the point of opening up staff positions just yet. But we are always on the lookout for well-equipped, spiritually mature Christians who share our vision, and who may sense a calling to be part of the Hagar Home team, including live-in staff. So even though we're still a ways away from offering staff positions, if this idea resonates with you, we are always happy to begin discussions with folks who are exploring the possibility of joining us in this venture. |
If you would like to learn more about Mormon Fundamentalism and the ministry of A Shield and Refuge, please visit the Shield and Refuge home page.
These are just a few of the ways that you can join the "team" to bring healing and hope to polygamist refugees. If you have other ways you can think of to support these efforts, by all means, please contact us! |